Start it up: To start using the TundraCam, just click the “play” button, and then “control” to steer or “positions” to view one of the preset views. The image will reflect the new position after a slight delay.
Capture a still image for yourself: Click on the small camera icon. Windy conditions will make the images a little blurry due to camera shaking.
Night viewing is limited: The cam image is black at night with the exception of the city lights of Denver and the moon.
Patience sometimes required: We have found that when many folks try to view TundraCam at the same time, that new viewers won't be able to successfully load the live view page. Please try to visit again later.
Where is TundraCam?
TundraCam is located 64 km (40 miles) northwest of Denver, Colorado (USA) at an elevation of 3528m (11,600ft). The cam is only 27 km (17 miles) west of Boulder, Colorado. More specifically, it lies above timberline on Niwot Ridge in the Front Range mountains, the peaks at the head of the ridge form the Continental Divide.
How Does TundraCam Work?
Tundra cam on the tower. Photo credit: Chiara Forester
TundraCam is attached to a meteorological tower, about 10 m (~33 ft) above the ground and above the level of blowing snow. A robotic arm and software allow the camera to be rotated and zoomed from a web browser. The camera's housing is designed to withstand wind chill factors lower than -57°C (-70°F) and winds above 72 meters per second (160 miles per hour). The camera's power is supplied by AC line power that extends to the Tundra lab. The connection to the internet is via a Cat 5 serial cable to the Tundra Lab, and then via a four mile buried fiber optic cable to the and Mountain Research Station.
What Does TundraCam SEE?
TundraCam rotates in a clear dome and can be used for real-time monitoring of the environment such as cloud cover, snow drifting, snow-melt patterns, and vegetation changes. You can also see some of the equipment and facilities used by scientists studying the high-altitude environment as well as prominent landscape features.
Help Support the Tundracam!
Consider a tax-deductible donation to facilitate the ongoing maintenance of the TundraCam, as well as other community engagement, education and research activities of the Niwot Ridge LTER.