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We collect data on ecological, atmospheric, hydrological, and biological processes happening at our sites throughout the Niwot Ridge. After researchers and staff quality checks and quality controls the data, they are are archived at the Environmental Data Initiative.

Here you can browse the inventory of Niwot Ridge datasets archived at the Environmental Data Initiative, for use in your own research.

When using data collected by another investigator, it is both courteous and wise to make direct contact with the investigator before incorporating the data into your analyses. Contact information is available in the metadata associated with each data package.

Publications that make use of our datasets must include proper citation, similar to citing a journal article. Suggested citations can be found by clicking on the links for individual datasets below. Here is an overview of why citing data is important.

The following acknowledgment should accompany any publication:
“Data for this research were provided by the Niwot Ridge LTER program (NWT VII: NSF DEB - 1637686, NWT VIII: NSF DEB - 2224439).”


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